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Why Use an Interactive Glassboard for Training Courses

Training new employees can be an exhausting, but rewarding experience. Many companies who train new employees see a drastic difference in terms of understanding, immersion and performance as opposed to companies that do not. Companies that pay for their employees to train tend to have more successful retention rates, and employees tend to feel more satisfied with their jobs. All in all, training is one of the most important pieces in running a successful company. As we learn more about corporate training, we’re seeing that how you train your new staff makes the biggest difference between a well-run company and a company posting to job sites every other week. Engaging your employees during training is crucial if you want them to retain as much information as possible. Here are just a few ways to do so:

Interactive Whiteboards – Keeping your new employees engaged is one of the most important ways to help them learn new material. Many companies will hand their new employees a giant instruction manual and expect that they’re reading and reviewing it each night on their own. Unfortunately, when training is not hands-on, many employees have trouble learning. A magnetic glass interactive whiteboard is one of the best ways to convey the new material to employees and to keep them engaged and learning throughout the process. Studies show that classes longer than forty five minutes can cut retention in half, so make sure to break up the material, give breaks and incorporate real world training in-between.

Homework – A good employee will want to impress their new employer in whatever way they can. Send work home with your new employees so they can work at their own pace and teach themselves the way they know best. It doesn’t need to be hours of take-home work, but even a short review with subjective questions can help them think about what they learned that day and how to apply it in day-to-day situations.

Exams – You may think testing your new employees is a bit harsh or outdated, but setting an exam for important information is one of the best ways to help trainees retain it. Be fair in your testing and let your employees know exactly what they will be tested on. This isn’t an aptitude test, but more of a review that helps them retain the information. You can even schedule and exam and not give it, so long as your new employees feel confident that they understand what is expected of them and their new role in your company, your mission is accomplished.

About Clarus Glassboards: Clarus is the leading manufacturer and innovator of glass whiteboards and glass visual display products. For more information about clear dry erase boards and our other glass architectural systems, please call 888-813-7414 or visit