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glassboards Tag

Glass whiteboards have been slowly been taking over the market, and many industries are beginning to rely on them as the standard for whiteboard cleanliness, durability and style. Glassboards are quickly replacing the traditional whiteboard, which were the cutting-edge product just 20 years ago. Whiteboards...

Furnishing an office with all the necessary items, while keeping it streamlined and professional looking can be quite a challenge. Many offices go overboard with floor to ceiling whiteboards, filing cabinets and closets full of disorganized and forgotten paperwork. There’s a delicate balance between keeping...

Unless you’ve never stepped foot into a classroom or office building in the past thirty years, you’re probably well aware of what a traditional whiteboard looks like. The glossy dry erase boards quickly replaced the need for dirty, messy chalkboards and quickly blackboards a thing...

Whiteboards have become a staple for not only classrooms and homes, but office spaces alike. Their durability, longevity and sleek look can turn a boring office into a productive and useful workspace. When it comes to whiteboards though, you have plenty of options. So how...