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Clarus Cares™

We believe in great visual communication products, a fulfilling work environment, and serving the greater good.

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PARC Veterinary Clinic

Can design communicate transparency? What about brand?

The PARC is a revolutionary vet clinic that’s paving the way for transparency between staff, pet patients, and their humans. The visionary of the clinic, Dr. Hotchkiss, designed the office to exude the PARC’s brand of genuine, comprehensive care with customized Clarus glass.

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From the start of the project, Clarus was all-hands-on-deck with design drawings to complement the space, as well as color-matching the PARC’s blue to add the perfect touch of branding to the glass.

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Children’s Health Dallas

Clarus hosted 45 guests for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at our business model, including a factory tour and a chance to design a completely customized go! Mobile glassboard. Little did these guests know, Clarus printed their designs in high-definition with ColorDrop™ technology, assembled the mobile glassboards, and donated them to a local hospital — all within 12 hours. Designers were blown away when they stepped into the hospital’s atrium to visit with the kids they’d designed interactive glassboards for — only to see their designs on real go! Mobiles™ before their eyes.

It’s an unforgettable feeling to know you’ve created something that suffering children will enjoy for decades to come.

$100,000 worth of state-of-the-art glassboards donated.

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Decades of collaborative interaction created with glassboards.

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Hurricane Harvey Relief

Clarus teamed up with Interior Design magazine and launched a dollar-for-dollar fundraiser within the design community to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.

As a company that still employs Hurricane Katrina refugees, several Clarus employees stepped up to help Hurricane Harvey victims personally, traveling to Houston to partner with local charities, help in the cleanup, and recruit Harvey refugees with opportunities to work at the company.

From monetary and physical goods donations, to opening employment opportunities and doing cleanup, Clarus was and is proud to practice servanthood and care for our Houston neighbors.

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After consecutive hurricanes pummeled Puerto Rico in 2017 – the Clarus executive team brought 28 glassboards to the island to help rebuild a flooded school and quickly get kids back into education.


After officially opening its London office in 2017, Clarus celebrated its first appearance at Clerkenwell Design Week as a local designer in 2018.

Weeks before the show, Clarus recruited 6 of the finest A&D firms in the UK to design creative, interactive surfaces to be voted on during CDW – and if chosen, to be printed on go! Mobile glassboards and donated to children’s hospitals.

The six participating firms stepped into the showroom during #CDW2018 and came face-to-face with ALL their designs printed on go! Mobiles. Each of the submitted designs had already been printed onto go! Mobile glassboards to be donated to children’s hospitals the next day by the designers themselves.

Fostering creativity in the minds of designers around the world.

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